Solar Panel Recycling in Wichita - Interco

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Solar Panel Recycling in Wichita

Solar Panel Recycling in Wichita
Solar Panel Recycling in Wichita

Solar Panel Recycling in Wichita

Solar panels and their batteries empower many industries across America. Currently, solar power is the world’s best renewable resource. Additionally, it strengthens local economies, reduces greenhouse gases, and does not require much maintenance.

The solar business is endlessly developing. Thus, solar products are becoming more and more indispensable. Leading to the demand for solar panel recycling in Wichita.

Silicon solar products generally contain glass, plastic, and aluminum. Retrieving these three elements is common. Thus, there is a soaring demand of solar panel recycling in Wichita.

Solar panels last long with shelf lives of 30 years or more, but become inefficient and worn out after such periods. Interco recycles solar panels and returns the newly recycled raw materials back to the industrial world. Furthermore, recycling solar products entails complex systems. Therefore, it should be performed well to be beneficial.

The process of solar panel recycling in Wichita includes:

  1. Removing the frame
  2. Separation of the glass along a conveyor belt
  3. Thermal processing to evaporate the plastic
  4. Etching silicon wafers

This procedure recovers important elements, such as aluminum and glass. Additionally, this process recovers 95% of the glass from the solar panels. Secondly, thermal processing divides the unimportant plastic from the important materials. Lastly, etching the silicon wafer eliminates any unwanted items left behind.

Solar Panel Life Cycle
Solar Panel Life Cycle

Solar Panel Life Cycle

Recycling solar panels helps recover over 80 percent of a crystalline silicon unit from each solar panel. The mechanical advancement of solar panels seem to be parallel with the growth of the industry. Furthermore, solar products have many ways to evaluate efficacy and productivity. Their lifespan can range from:

  • 10 – 12 years: efficiency declines by upwards of 10 percent
  • 15 – 20 years: efficiency declines by 20 percent
  • 25 – 30 years: efficiency declines significantly

Just like a car, the lifespan of solar panels is dynamic, not static. For instance, advanced solar panels can generate power for nearly 40 years. Yet, as they age, their performance starts to wane.

Interco recycles solar panels and returns the newly recycled raw materials back to the industrial world. In the United States, Interco is a leader in solar panel recycling. Interco recycles more than 250,000 solar panels each year.

Recycling Solar Panel Batteries
Recycling Solar Panel Batteries

Recycling Solar Panel Batteries

Not all solar panels need batteries to function. However, many panels have them as a backup. Likewise, recycling batteries proves to be essential. On the other hand, solar panel batteries defile nature if incorrectly discarded. At the core of all solar batteries is lithium. It is a relatively rare resource that afflicts the environment.

If solar panel batteries are carelessly dumped, toxic waste will grow. Which can have devastating effect for the environment. Not only that, but also recyclable components are lost. That alone should inspire companies to recycle solar panels and the parts that empower them.

Interco has a dedicated battery recycling plant with four patents pending to provide more efficient recycling solutions. The facility uses safest end-of-life treatment, following the strictest guidelines. Interco recycles all different types of batteries, and recycles over 12 million pounds of nonferrous materials every month.

Interco Provides Solar Panel Recycling in Wichita

In summary, solar panel recycling is crucial for longevity. The use of solar panels provides the planet with the natural power it needs. Especially considering that solar panels replace the infamous fossil fuels. Innovative businesses must find the best facility for solar panel recycling in Wichita. For more information, click here to contact Interco.

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